When you sit, you rise.

Discover the benefits of being highly meditated.

Welcome, you conscious achiever, you!


"Sit to rise" may sound like an oxymoron, but I'm here to share why a regular practice of sitting in meditation is the most effective and enduring technique to help entrepreneurs, professionals and other high achievers like you rise to whatever new heights you seek by rising above your stressors, challenges and limiting beliefs. 


1:1 Coaching

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Online Courses

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Private Community

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Reasons to Learn to Meditate



Highly Personalized


Receive highly-personalized techniques, time-tested over millennia, using your unique primordial sound mantra.

Fast Benefits


Experience the benefits of meditation right away, and deepen your results with practice over time.

Life Enhancing


Create remarkable clarity, focus, confidence, and resilience that will help you rise in your business and personal life.

Antidote to Stress


Release debilitating stress, anxiety and fear that get in the way of your happiness, growth, and success.

Creative Power


Expand your creativity and innovative thinking, and feel the power and impact it brings to your world.

Unlimited Potential


Achieve your fullest potential personally and professionally as you tap into infinite possibilities.

Hey there!

I'm Heidi.

Read my story  ➝

I believe we're all so much more than we think..

I use my understanding of the human mind and my passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to step into who they really are.

Join me to unleash your full potential through a meditation practice that is as powerful as it is easy to learn.

"You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible."

~ Deepak Chopra.

Resources for every stage of self-discovery.


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