Nice to meet you.





Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.


Your brain -- and life -- function better when you're highly meditated.


You have the power to change your thoughts, actions, and destiny.



Most would describe me as a tech executive, board member, and mother. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of mindfulness, self-discovery, and unapologetic success.

and unapologetic confidence.


Who Am I?

That's a trick question for those of us who spend time sitting -- because the more you meditate, the more you see you’re not really what you think you are. But more on that when we have  time to connect.


Sit to Rise gives voice to the seeming opposing energies that make up my life: being grounded in a peace and serenity that's available to us all, and an ambition to always rise to greater things or rise above the tougher ones.



I was born in NYC and now live in the East Bay of San Francisco. In between coasts, I’ve called many countries my home - mostly in Asia - because I majored in East Asian Studies in college. I got to study Chinese, but the best thing that came out of that time was the exposure to Eastern thought from a variety of traditions. It didn’t take long for me to realize the commonalities among them, and in the process I came to deeply appreciate and be inspired by the teachings.

The more years passed in my career, the more I realized how the thoughts inside my head were placing very real limits on who I was, how others perceived me, and what I was capable of. Those thoughts got in the way -- in a big way -- of me becoming the best version of myself, and in turn having the greatest and most positive impact on this world of ours. That wasn’t ok, and I have been turning that around through meditation. 


I don’t want anyone to be less than they were born to be because of misconceptions about what their full potential is. And that’s why, during non-office hours, I want to help others learn and value meditation. I'm a certified Chopra Center instructor in Primordial Sound Meditation, yet I'll forever be a student of the human spirit and how meditation raises it.


By day, I'm a Silicon Valley executive passionate about taking fresh approaches to address today's unprecedented demands — and opportunities — on businesses. I love leading change, building legendary teams, reaching lofty goals, coaching and mentoring toward high performance, and “pushing the envelope” on creativity and innovation. 


Yep, I'm a high achiever like you.


To further fill my soul, I'm a Member of the Board of Rising Worldwide, a Business Mentor, Start-up Advisor, and have been a lecturer on Business Strategy at San Francisco State University's College of Business. I went to Middlebury College in Vermont, and got my MBA at NYU Stern School of Business.

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As a visitor to my site, you are part of a growing percent of the global population who has taken an appreciation for meditation, and I'm so grateful you're now part of my world.



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